Wednesday, April 26, 2023

 Here is the first picture of the new project. This piece of fabric is cut larger than necessary to allow for distortion by the applique process or any design changes that occur to me. Right now the plan is for the center to be about 38 inches square but set on point. Clearly this is another "spring" quilt with all the nice flowers and colors but this is just the center section. Eventually it will be a diamond shape in the center with some sort of design next and then corners that include more flowers and fancy birds in each space. So even though this looks square right now, just imagine any one of the "corners" pointing upward and you will get a better sense of what the orientation will be.

It is neither entirely symmetrical nor a mirror image but each section is substantially the same if not identical. There will be plenty of space for nice quilting but the finished project will be closer to a twin size than a bed size or a wall quilt.

Interesting developments all over the place politically and journalistically. I never saw either Tucker Carlson or Don Lemon do their shows although like most people I did see snippets when I read the news. The nicest thing I can say about either man is that he wasn't Walter Cronkite or any other real journalist and I won't miss them even in the limited exposure I have had. We don't need personalities, we need information, so a pox on both their houses.

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