Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wheel of Fortune

I did finish the Wheel of Fortune quilt on the weekend. We have been running around doing stuff related to the new house such as picking out cabinets and counters and appliances which meant a lot of time in the car and not so much time at home. Today was the first opportunity to take pictures since when we were home it was mostly rainy.

Our current house doesn't have the landscaped yard of the new one but there are still spring flowers. The daffodils have come and gone but the bearded iris and rhododendrons and azaleas are blooming and some show in the pictures.

 This is the "front" of our house with the aforementioned flowers. I planted those iris because the ones that were here were just pale purple, not very interesting.
This photo shows the quilting from the back to give an idea of what I put in all the junctures. There are whole joins and half joins and quarter joins and the same sort of feathered heart design fits nicely on each. While I made this quilt because I was so attracted to the bold, strong design, my husband just fell in love with it because he says it is so happy. Since he has to sleep in a different room right now because of all his hot flashes he has put it on that bed. I used a wool batt I had not used before and was afraid to wash it because it was much fluffier than the usual one I buy. It shed so much while I was working on it that the whole room I sat in filled up daily with what we used to call "sluts' wool" although this was real wool including part merino fiber. I think I will return to my normal wool batting and silk batting now, maybe even return to cotton.

On a different note I have been fascinated by the healing process from my Mohs surgery. It's been more than six months now and the visible marks are few, just a little redness. What is strange, though, is the stitches that were supposed to dissolve don't seem to be doing that. Initially there was some numbness and a substantial ridge. The surgeon said to massage it every day at least two or three times and as I did that the ridge went down to nothing though the numbness and some pain persisted. Then I started getting these very weird sort of pimples right under my nostril where the incision started. They were very painful and if I picked at the pimples to get rid of the pus a suture would pop through the skin. That went on for a couple of months with at least one pimple a day and the numbness began to recede. Then that process slowed down to the point where now if my lip begins to hurt and feel numb at all, I know that another suture is working its way up to the same point under my nostril. I have had many surgeries but never an experience like this. 

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