Saturday, May 11, 2019

Reasons For Recusal

There are so many cases stacking up for folks who work in Trump's excuse for an administration that being a shyster lawyer is probably paying pretty well these days. Rudy Giuliani did get embarrassed and cancelled his trip to Ukraine. His intentions were so egregious  that any rational person would hope that was the last heard from Rudy.

But there are other factors in all these contempt charges that are destined for a swift track to the Supreme Court that I am curious about. Neil Gorsuch, not the newest Supreme Court justice but chosen by Trump and his Federalist Society advisers, is the son of Anne Gorsuch. If you are a person of my advanced age, you might remember Anne Gorsuch, whom Reagan named as his EPA secretary. She was one of the first cabinet secretaries and definitely the first woman cabinet secretary to be held in contempt of Congress for failing to release documents requested. That didn't end well for her or for the Reagan administration since the documents were ultimately ordered released by judicial fiat.

So will Gorsuch recuse himself from review of contempt of Congress charges? It seems to me that he has an automatic bias that should demand his recusal but I don't expect him to have the ethics to do so. Will anyone other than I even raise the question?

And, if you have any money in the stock market, my advice is to move it in to either cash or bonds. We are headed for at least a recession and probably a major depression. It isn't simply because of Trump, but he is the exigent factor. He never could manage money and it was always someone else's money that ended up being blown. This time it's American farmers and small business owners but I guarantee that Trump does not care.  No matter what he says, it's always Trump first not America first.


  1. Well said. I agree on the stock market falling soon. I don't know what it takes anymore for people to pay attention to what's really going on.

  2. Mary, you and I are so old we saw Trump in the 80's. But even his gloating (thousand of new manufacturing jobs) comes with an asterisk--each of the new washing machine jobs in Iowa were paid for by American consumers to the tune of $800K per job. That's a heckuva washing machine.
