Saturday, September 1, 2018


John McCain's Washington memorial happened today and Fox News reported that Meghan McCain and Barack Obama had both insulted Donald Trump.  Seriously, that was the headline from Fox--that the daughter of the man who had just died and a man who had been invited to eulogize him had insulted Donald Trump.

How fragile is his ego? How fragile is Fox's ego?

What were the grievous errors that Fox (such a reliable arbiter of sense and sensibility) identified? Meghan McCain said that her father would not stand for anyone who didn't understand that the United States had always been great, had always stood for values. Barack Obama warned against relying on demagogues who use rhetoric to inflame public opinion to the danger of everyone. Neither of them named a target but Fox has gotten so sensitive (little snowflakes) that as soon as someone stood up for the true values of the United States, Fox ran for the hedges and the scurrilous response.

I have just been reading an article in the London Review of Books about the BBC radio broadcasts during WWII. It makes fascinating reading because of the clear comparisons to demagoguery and propaganda. 

Apparently no one at Fox ever took Latin--De mortuis nihil nisi bonum.

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