Sunday, September 30, 2018


Although I have tried most of my life to be an optimist, the last dozen years have pushed me in to cynicism and depression. My husband and I were talking about a variety of topics this afternoon, everything from the Eagles' game to the Kavanaugh situation. Clearly both of those topics are depressing but since neither of us is a diehard team fan we found some hope in the Eagles loss to Tennessee. If the path to the Super Bowl doesn't look assured, it always is more interesting.

The Kavanaugh debacle is a different matter. Both of us expect nothing at all to come from any FBI investigation of Kavanaugh. There are too many restrictions on the search. NBC reported that Trump had restricted the investigation to only Ford and Ramirez but Trump rebutted that reportage to say that NBC was spreading fake news again. Then the White House had to admit that Don McGahn, whose last day was supposed to be today, had told the FBI that they couldn't widen the investigation to include any other witnesses, regardless of whether those witnesses were for sexual assault or alcoholic abuse. McGahn is supposed to be the biggest insider pushing Kavanaugh so it's plausible that he is responsible, but the mere fact that Gorsuch got chosen over Kavanaugh implies that there are problems with Kavanaugh.

In any case, both my husband and I fully expect the FBI questioning to be fruitless. Even if a dozen witnesses testified that Kavanaugh had been stumbling drunk with his penis out of his pants on numerous occasions both in high school and at Yale, he will be confirmed.

All that means is that women who have daughters need to educate those daughters early. If anyone, male or female, tries to abuse you, raise your voice. Do it loudly and do it proudly. We cannot fight back if we don't report; we cannot stop abuse if we don't expose; we must stand up to bad behavior.


  1. I'm with you Priscilla- I think the FBI would have been a good idea if not for attorney McGhan limiting the scope. I just read on CNN that the FBI will not be looking at Kavanaugh's drinking history. Are you kidding me? Unbelievable. Waste of time because he will be appointed no matter what.

  2. Well, just got the notice he has been confirmed to the Supreme Court. I understand your depression. This morning while on our run one gal commented that she is trying hard not to hate all men. Interesting that two women I talked to this week age 87 and 97 both give Kavanaugh a free pass, saying he shouldn't be judged for what happened so long ago.

  3. I am an old woman who does not have any daughters or granddaughters. Limits to contraception are already being imposed in many states so no one should expect Roe v Wade to last either, at least as a country wide option. I would never have chosen that option but I was always thankful that it was there for women I knew. We are 51% of the world population but we don't have much power to affect our own lives. Chuck Grassley thinks women don't like hard work and they let him head the judiciary committee.
