Thursday, October 12, 2017

Back To How Angry Are You?

Trump opines that taking licenses away from television networks with whom he disagrees would be a general benefit to the country. If you wanted a better example of how misguided and solipsistic he is, you would have to search pretty far. While every single American can be thankful that Trump does not have the power to shut down newspapers, television networks, television stations, or your local internet provider, which even he admits, he believes that it would be a good idea. That's how dictators think.

Granted that even George W. Bush said the job would be a lot easier if he could be a dictator, none of us either right or left of the aisle want a dictator. Now part of what Trump is doing is political strategy. If you can make your supporters distrust and dislike your opponents or even if you can just divide the citizenry on some sort of partisan lines, you have a political advantage. Then all those who call for comity and cooperation all sound like Kumbaya singers at a New Age retreat. No elected Republicans except Corker have the cojones to call the moron out because the disarray works to their advantage too.

Does NBC news lie about Trump? That is very unlikely since any real lie would have to be retracted and heads would roll. The network got rid of Brian Williams very quickly over his lies and the lead commentator now, Lester Holt, is a registered Republican. So NBC is not lying. Do they use anonymous sources? Yes, but given Trump's propensity for vengeance (he learned from Roy Cohn), and a plethora of court cases, NBC is on strong ground.

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