Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Yet Another Cautionary Tale

My sutures were pulled yesterday, leaving me with a two inch scar. My previous squamous cell lesions were small, treated with more of a sharp scoop, so this scalpel, scoop, cauterization, suture treatment came as a shock. Several years ago I had a surgical biopsy of a breast lump and there were similarities including feeling like road kill being tugged at by crows. As a cook I understand how to use a knife so my imagination gets carried away when I feel muscle being separated from skin and other tissue.

Anyway, if I haven't totally driven readers away, you should pay attention. More people die of squamous cell carcinoma every year than die of melanoma. Sure, that manipulates the statistics but squamous cell is far more common and should never simply be ignored. I didn't ignore it--my doctor did.

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