Monday, July 8, 2019

We Are Americans

While I complain about Trump all the time, his adulation of the queen of England has pushed me beyond my normal complaints. We are Americans, theoretically tied to a representative government with no benefits for anyone that aren't guaranteed to all. Now most modern US citizens would recognize that the dependent clause in the preceding sentence has not been true since at least the 1960s, we still don't have a monarchy nor do we have any recognized class structure. By recognized, I mean even an ill educated guy like Trump, who is an arriviste from the get go, can rise in the US. Part of Trump's paranoia derives from being from Queens which when he was growing up was definitely an outer borough that didn't deserve special treatment. Ivanka and Jared hope that their familiarity with the Trump establishment will establish them in Manhattan but that seems less and less likely given Manhattan's stance on multiple Trump pronouncements. FWIW, my mother's family is from NY and even from Queens with my mother being the spelling champion of Queens in her 8th grade year.

But flat out adulation of Elizabeth II is beyond funny to the point of ridiculous. Trump, whose mother was a poor girl from the outer Hebrides who came to the US as a domestic servant, thinks that just because he and his spawn had dinner with Elizabeth and dozens of others he is suddenly even more special. Elizabeth eats dinner with all sorts of folk, she is polite to all sorts of folk. That's because in her own realm she is the queen of all she surveys, literally. Trump doesn't seem to understand that she doesn't survey the US any more. Of course he also thinks that there were airports during the Revolutionary War and that "ramping the ramparts" makes any kind of sense at all.

When Trump blamed the bloopers on the teleprompter shutting down he apparently didn't understand that it would have been better to blame the writers for the errors. Blaming the absent teleprompter for his extemporaneous errors simply shows how shallow his understanding of anything is.

As a side note, I have a friend who works at Parliament. He is an economist who examines all the plans promulgated by either side. He gave me a tour of parliament just a few hours after Elizabeth had been there to open the session. I saw places most people don't see, I drank coffee in the members room beside the Thames, and I went behind the scenes in multiple ways including going in to the Robing Room which on that day had both chairs-the queen's and her husband's, the duke of Edinburgh. The queen's apparently stays at Parliament house all the time and the other chair is brought back and forth. Well, the queen's looked as though Parliament kept cats around--tattered and torn with stuffing showing through--and Prince Phillip's was immaculate.

In this month that celebrates the United States existing at all I abjure any reverence for monarchy. They are all silly inbred twits even on their good days. Having said that, right now I would rather have an Elizabeth who knows she represents her entire realm than a Trump who only cares about himself.

On another side note--if Bill Clinton is found to have been complicit in Epstein's crimes, I hope they put his ass in jail.  

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