Sunday, March 17, 2019

What Price Insanity?

US  gun laws are notoriously lax but apparently other countries have problems as well. I don't know what else can be done given the sheer numbers of guns in the world but I can't for the life of me understand how someone can transport multiple guns from one country to another. Even in Utah where there are approximately three guns per resident, one cannot simply get on an airplane with those guns, not even to fly to Wyoming where there are also many guns. Please explain how a deranged man from Australia stockpiled multiple weapons in New Zealand. Killing dozens of people from toddlers to seniors who are praying in a house of worship is unspeakable and insane. 


  1. Priscilla, it is insanity, isn't it? FWIW, the guns weren't stockpiled in Australia, he bought the guns in New Zealand. Now NZ is looking at changing their gun laws to stop this from happening again. A very sad situation...

  2. Thank you, Pauline, for clarifying the situation.
