Thursday, December 7, 2017

Foregone Conclusion

While the tax reform measures are still taking shape, there are some parts of them that are not only clear but predictable. Unless you legally designate yourself as a pass-through corporation, you probably won't see much benefit after the first two years. There will be a disparate impact on the 95% even down to the next few generations. But that is clearly part of the overall plan since Paul Ryan announced yesterday that major entitlement reform is coming in 2018. When he uses the word "entitlement" it is a slur, disparaging those who receive any benefits. So despite repeated promises not to change Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security that is precisely what Ryan intends.

Part of the overall plan is to increase the deficit to the point where real damage occurs to the economy so that entitlement reform starts to look like an act of grace rather than an act of vandalism. Then it won't matter one whit whether a Republican or a Democrat is president, whether Congress is largely Republican or Democrat, because there won't be any options or wiggle room. See--it's all you older folks and disabled folks and sick people who are such a drag on the economy.

Does Soylent Green come to mind?

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