Friday, November 10, 2017

What Surprises You?

All of the continuing revelations about sexual abuses by men, including the current Washington Post expose of Roy Moore's interest in very young women, should not surprise any woman. Moore now complains that he doesn't even remember the 14 year old but he definitely confirmed that he knew the other three women and had interactions with them that were outside of any business purview. I have one husband and three sons and five male pets but I do not yet understand men. I must admit that I don't necessarily understand women either but at this point I recommend that all mothers give their daughters instruction in martial arts.

I admit to surprise that Rand Paul suffered multiple rib fractures including a few displaced fractures after being tackled by his neighbor. The surprise is that both men are what could be described at best as slight and Paul, from all accounts, had his back to his neighbor and was simply tackled. I just suffered a rib fracture myself, my second broken bone in my life, but that was from a fall at speed against a rigid object. My husband had multiple rib fractures and a hemo-pneumo thorax but he hit a road going downhill on a bike.

What astonishes me is that all of these are confirmed instances but they are doubted by most people. Alabama voters say they will still vote for Moore regardless of his past behavior. As a Southern Baptist, he is supposed to abstain from alcohol but he admits that he gave one of the young women alcohol.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post. I don't know much about Moore, but more than one woman is accusing him, it seems likely that he is guilty. The response from him is bothersome too, "he doesn't remember the 14 year oldl". That tells me that he's done this many times to not remember that incident. People believe what they want to believe about candidates, celebraties and role models. A fall from grace is tough, but the lesson we are learning these days is that all of us, men and women, are human, capeable of both good and bad, and that we all have the same need to be loved, heard and believed.
    I don't know when new cases will stop coming forward in the news. However, rest assured that for every high profile case of sexual abuse, there are several others not in the public arena.
    As for Paul Rand, there is clearly some more to the story than was first reported. I'm sure law enforcement will sort it out. As we know, good fences make good neighbors. It sounds like more than a fence may be needed between these two homes when the dust settles.
