Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Anyone who has been paying any attention to the news knows that Roy Moore has been accused of multiple counts of stalking and padiddling young women. Not one of the women has accused Moore of rape, but all accounts are creepy and disgusting. The local mall was apparently warned to watch Moore (this comes from multiple accounts) if he ever came in to the mall because he disturbed the young female sales people. Even his own account of noticing his wife when she was only 15 and remembering her name is creepy. It was not surprising that folks in Alabama said, "So what?" By all accounts this behavior was at least 40 years ago, perhaps longer and as I was a young woman in south Texas at the same time I can attest to the behavior being common.

My parents' friends would make passes, make comments, in some cases touch and fondle. I was a very sexy child. I don't mean that I enticed men, but that I had breasts and slim hips, muscular arms from swimming--all the youthful attributes that at 13--16 were clearly enticing to men. One man told me when I was thirteen that I was a classic femme fetale and I had no idea what he was talking about. No one told me what to do when this happened. Even my educated parents were hesitant to talk about sex and if I had told them that one of their friends had acted inappropriately I don't even know what would have transpired. I learned to hide in my room and lock the door.

So Roy Moore's behavior doesn't surprise me even if I still find it disgusting. What does surprise me, what does outrage me is that today Trump said that Alabama voters needed to vote for Moore because he didn't want a liberal in the Senate. Come on you Trumpettes, Trump wants you to excuse Roy Moore's disgusting behavior simply to put a Republican in the seat.

This time you don't get to say, "But Clinton". This is happening now. No Clintons are involved.


  1. And Trump said, "he said he didn't do it". Apparently in the he said, she said arena one man counts more than nine women. Every morning I wake up and wonder how I live in a universe where Trump is president. It's exhausting.

  2. I would like to understand why seemingly decent and supposedly religious people could say that they would rather vote for a pederast than a Democrat. This is stunning, yet that is what the governor of Alabama said. What??
