Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pleasant Surprise

My husband did bring the flu home from LA with him. No matter how hard we try, I always end up catching what he is spreading so I have been moving along that flu pathway since last Thursday. I don't think I got as sick as he did--at least he seemed more miserable--but I got sick enough with a deep wracking cough. Even my stomach muscles got a workout trying to clear my lungs enough to breathe without coughing. Lots of lying in bed reading so not so many small blocks sewn. I have more than 50 done at this point.

I tutored a young woman this afternoon. Like most of the students at this particular high school she is more interested in math and science than in language arts but savvy enough to know she has to score well on this exam to even think about a top college. She surprised me with a present that she had gotten before Christmas. We haven't had any tutoring sessions since mid-December. The school went on break and then the weather was seriously bad making driving to my house rather than home seem perilous indeed. Anyway, she actually went to a quilt store and got fabric and a pattern to make a small quilt. Keep in mind that this young woman doesn't sew so the whole quilt store experience was a novelty for her. It is a very cute pattern called Wonky Winter, by Sandra Workman. Nice surprise.

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