Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 As it happens, I haven't finished the current project as Joanne from MA thinks, but still patiently hand quilting every half inch across this queen sized quilt. The colors turn out to be the colors of suffragettes in the early 20th century but the blocks are from further back. Since it is called either Whig Rose or Democrat Rose, I am guessing it was a pro-slavery block since Democrats were the supporters of slavery. But these days the affiliated parties have switch their public stances with Democrats being those who want to expand voter options and  Republicans slamming on the brakes.

Most of that doesn't matter when quilting since it is the block itself, regardless of previous attachments, that the quilter looks at and chooses. I have found a home for this already. One of my neighbors has a daughter getting married in the late spring.

I hope to finish this long before the wedding but the health issues I wrote about previously are only settling in for the long haul. For the most part, I just feel utterly miserable so I either have to not eat at all or eat very sparingly.  The best guess anyone has is that I have at least one stomach ulcer (this was determined a decade ago) and probably more. Will I get better? At this point it seems unlikely and if I keep losing weight it won't matter. In the past I swallowed a camera but all that did was take pictures that no one thought were conclusive. This time I don't know what hoops I will have to jump through, or if I will get any questions answered but I am still hanging in there and quilting every day.    

1 comment:

  1. I am extremely sorry to hear that you are further under the weather than before. While I have no medical expertise and am willing to admit that what I am to pass on may be way out in left field, I will mention it just in case it turns out to be useful.
    A friend whom I have not seen since the beginning of Covid, but who has always been an avid knitter and quilter, began feeling poorly last May...stomach pain, disinclination to eat, exhaustion, dehydration, weight loss...multiple visits to GP and specialists...each followed by tests and changes in medications which didn't lead to any improvement.
    Then, in mid-November, tests finally uncovered a bowel infection. Two months later she is slowly on the mend.

    I hope that you will soon be on the mend because I'm always happy to see your posts.
