Sunday, November 22, 2020

 From Associated Press:

'Justin Levitt, a Loyola Law School professor who specializes in election law, called the Trump lawsuits dangerous."It is a sideshow, but it’s a harmful sideshow,” Levitt said. “It’s a toxic sideshow. The continuing baseless, evidence-free claims of alternative facts are actually having an effect on a substantial number of Americans. They are creating the conditions for elections not to work in the future.”


The entire democratic process is being stalled by crazy men and women who apparently have no regard for electoral systems. Two voters in Pennsylvania sued to delete nearly 7 million votes in Pennsylvania because they said the county they live in did not treat them the same as all other PA voters. It is small wonder that the judge was astonished by their complaint. That wasn't even the craziest suit nor was it the craziest suggestion. Sidney Powell said that a late South American leader was responsible for engineering permutations and algorithms that changed votes in electronic voting systems. Rudy Giuliani had something running down the sides of his face, many people charitably said that it was hair dye.


I can't think of any water soluble hair dyes--not that I have any vast personal experience. Laughing at the messengers is usually not a sign that their message is serious. Even Tucker Carlson made fun of Sidney Powell though he was roundly excoriated for it.

At the same time, Trump was supposed to participate in a video conference of the G20. He lasted 13 minutes before he started tweet ranting and then went to play golf, again. Simultaneously  nearly 200,000 Americans were diagnosed with Covid19, while Trump was playing. Does that image supplant Nero fiddling?

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