Thursday, January 28, 2021

 Anyone who thought Trump would lick his wounds and play golf was sadly disillusioned this week. Not only are Republicans in government still claiming a "stolen" election (there is no evidence of any fraud capable of flipping 8 million votes). Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, went down to Florida to kiss the ring. Marjorie Taylor Green smiles as she threatens to shoot Democrats in Congress and Mitch McConnell has stood on both sides of the fence this week, an action that deserves scrutiny if only because he stands for Republicans.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is repulsive, jumping on every single conspiracy bandwagon that happens to wander through her mind, but ultimately blaming the disgusting comments and video on other people. That surely stands for something, but what that something is is elusive. Claiming that you are not responsible for statements that appear under your name is not a substitute for telling the truth, or asking forgiveness, or even apologizing. Trump supporters are despicable on so many levels but putting up with MTG seems to be the epitome of their perfidy. Do you truly value children's lives or are they simply grist for your mill?

1 comment:

  1. Simply mind boggling. I can barely believe that so many elected officials have become corrupted and are so proud of it but it's right there, obvious in their words and actions. I fear there is no vaccine to save democracy from them or the citizens who keep electing them.
