Sunday, October 14, 2018

Numerous Oddities

Yesterday Trump was quoted as describing General "Madddog" Mattis, the current Secretary of Defense as a Democrat who needed to leave. The entire world should be very afraid if that happens since Mattis is one of the few adults in the room who have also been through combat. Trump and Bolton, neither of whom saw combat duty although Bolton did serve 18 weeks in Louisiana as part of his National Guard requirements, spend other people's lives with abandon. As an Army brat and a Navy wife my view of jerks like that is colored by what seems to be their privilege. It is always easier to send someone else to do a job you don't want to do than to go yourself.

Bolton is a hawk, a serious hawk who thinks the US military might has only one purpose--to punish with military action those who disagree with the US about pretty much anything. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who agree with that view. With Trump leading the way, the entire world looks like a nail to the military's hammer.

Then, in another version of how low can you go, Trump said that it didn't matter if the Saudis killed Jamal Khashoggi as far as the multi-million dollar arms deals go because the US economy depended on arms deals to survive. So two jerks who never got closer to a firing line than a range want to abdicate their moral responsibility to stand up for human decency along with freedom of conscience and freedom of the press so that the US can continue to sell weapons to countries that kill the innocent and punish the truth tellers.

Donald Trump, jr, chimed in with a decades old photo of Khashoggi with mujaheddin in Afghanistan during the time when the Russians were trying to subdue Afghanistan to open their own front in that area. Junior (you thought he was the smart one) declared that the Saudi journalist, who had a green card to live in the US after serious vetting, deserved to be assassinated because he sided with terrorists. Hell and damnation! Back about the same time as the photo was taken, my seven year old son wanted to dress up as a mujaheddin because they were the "heroes" fighting against Soviet oppression. I guess it's still hard to tell who the players are without a program.

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