Thursday, February 15, 2018

Vote Against the NRA

Go to the New York Times and read the list of elected officials who have taken money, a great deal of money, from the NRA. Despite all the prayers and platitudes, these men and women don't care if your children kill each other with guns. They care about how much money is in their election coffers. Did John McCain need that $7M to win his seat in Arizona again? Marco Rubio and Joni Ernst are praying for the children but they both took over $3M from the NRA. Those dollars eclipse Judas' pieces of silver. Where I live now, the politicians are calling for arming public school teachers, many of whom already carry guns to school and in to the classrooms. Years ago, Sting sang a song with the line, "I hope the Russians love their children, too."  When do we start to love our children enough to protect them with sensible measures? We certainly don't have to worry about the Russians killing them.

Edit: It was reported today that only 1/3 of adults in the US own guns. Keep that in mind when you consider the 2d Amendment. 2/3 of adults have the power to advance sensible laws. We won't be able to eradicate the 2d Amendment, nor should we given the current state of the country, but we can have serious impact on shaming those politicians who think money is better than your children.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that report also and was surprised McCain would need that based on his popularity here in Az. The report made me sick as many Republicans won't even let discussion take place now. Your Judas reference is dead on.
