Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Return To Applique

I began adding the applique to the borders of the Album quilt yesterday. Doing so reminded me that I adore sewing applique. The intricacies of the patterns, the blend and discordance of the colors, the need to use precision and skill when putting the pieces together all appeal to my inner OCD self. When I was a competitive swimmer, one of my favorite races was the 800 meter freestyle because I could focus on timing and skill. The applique has similar appeal even if the two activities seem entirely disparate.

Our state's senior senator, Orrin Hatch (Borin', Whorin', Orrin) announced he will not be running for reelection this year. While that is very good news, it won't change the makeup of Utah's congressional delegation in any significant way. The leading candidate to replace Hatch is Mitt Romney whose political philosophy is remarkably similar to Orrin's although I don't think he is as beholding to the pharmaceutical industry. Oh well, in these political times I take the small pleasures where I can find them.

Trump announced via Twitter (what else) that his button was bigger than Kim Jong Un's. The one statement he made this year that remains accurate is that he isn't like other of our country's leaders. One paper wrote yesterday that Trump has made nearly 1600 false or misleading statements in the 350 or so days that he has been in office. Now if only every time he or Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes one of those statements the same newspapers would simply write, "Yesterday Trump lied about..." or "Yesterday Sanders repeated the lie told by Trump when..." 

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