Tuesday, January 16, 2018

How Many Ways Can Multiple People LIe?

Apparently it doesn't matter to Trump voters if he upends negotiations between the two major parties even though the Constitution stipulates that the three branches of government are equal.  If anything, the office of the president was delineated as more ceremonial by the framers. They were accustomed to useless or ridiculous kings but they understood the power of presentation.

All of Trump's minions have twisted themselves into pretzels to try to either defend Trump's shithole statement or to reword it in such a way that they might retain their jobs. What they really should be asking themselves is if they want to retain those jobs. Seriously, is there a substantive difference between shithole and shithouse? Obviously Tom Cotton, who wants to be head of CIA so bad he can taste it,  and David Perdue can reconcile the difference that they heard (possibly) with what was told by two senators from opposing parties.

I wrote a few months ago about Trump applying for H2B visas for employees at Mar al Lago. He was granted those visas despite the very obvious evidence that there are people in Palm Beach who can do the very jobs that he advertised. But they don't want to do them for minimum wage or even wages that are substantially lower than the norm for Palm Beach.

So I don't support unlimited immigration but that is tied to a desire for better education for the poorer segment of Americans (not something that Republicans including the secretary of education favors). We are constantly told that we need to bring in more skilled, i.e., educated people, but we do very little in real terms to upgrade the level of education around our own country. I do not disparage entire countries or groups because they are poor. All of my DNA would be gone from the US if the poor had been barred from entry because I have no ancestors who came to this country with money.

Finally, if you still want to give money to worthy causes despite the recent tax changes that disadvantage contributions, St. Benedict's Preparatory School in Newark does very good work.

1 comment:

  1. Like Trump who has used illegals on his projects and paid them a pittance?
