Saturday, May 30, 2015

Only Time Will Tell

So far the recovery from the ablation in March has been uneventful, much smoother than the previous year's. The cardiologist did change one of the medications, the heart rhythm medicine, to a different kind. I sort of hope that isn't the only difference since that would mean the medicine is making the difference not the ablation, but my husband is tolerating it much better as well. None of the nasty side effects as the previous meds, not even the headaches. He goes back in three weeks for what is supposed to be the final post-intervention follow up at which point he will find out if he needs to stay on any of the medicines at all. I know he has been feeling much better because on the days that the weather allows he rides his bike or runs with Watson, the coonhound. Watson's vet said he needed to lose a couple of pounds (only four) but he is such a lazy bones that simply cutting back the food probably won't make much difference. The terrier would play all day long but Watson's ideal existence is sleeping and eating.

I have been getting quite a bit of the outside border quilted lately. Just finished another 350 yard spool of thread. The craft glove makes a big difference in how long I can quilt in any one session. Silly to think that I was injured swimming but that's what happens when you play with the big boys. We were having a "fun" duel relay meet with a local high school team with some serious relays and some T-shirt type relays. We were passing kickboards like batons in track and field relays and the fellow who handed it off to me shoved the kickboard with great force into my hand. Well it hurt a great deal immediately but since I didn't want to lose the relay or let the team down I just kept going. It wouldn't have made any difference since the force snapped my ulnar collateral ligament necessitating some serious surgery involving titanium anchors. Then after about eight years I snapped the repaired ligament simply pulling on my socks. The pleasures of aging bring other physical ills but I can't blame my left hand on getting old.

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