Saturday, February 6, 2021

 I have finished the "flimsy" for the new project. I had my husband take a picture before I marked it up with blue pen.


 So there are my yellow roses, hence the name of the quilt--Yellow Rose of Texas--since I am sort of from Texas. There are different fauna mixed in with the flora--the hummingbird, the dragonfly, and the sphinx moth are easy to see but the green cabbage caterpillar is a little harder. This one will be heavily quilted with some nice decorative elements mixed in with the cross hatching. The background fabric is from French General and has a little more surface interest looking sort of like a mustard chambray.


  1. Very, very nice.
    Much as I love the 20+ block Baltimore Album quilts, I can't find them restful.
    This is just wonderful, enough places to look and appreciate the details without feeling pushed.

    1. Thank you, Joanne. I like the over the top quilts too but I never feel like putting in fancy quilting with feathers, etc., because what would be the point? Then the eye could never rest or the mind appreciate the extra work. This has room to smell the roses and admire the quilting.

  2. I love the colors and design in this quilt. The warmth of the background is really lovely with the flower colors. I look forward to seeing it once you have quilted it. This is definitely one of my favorites.

    1. Thank you, Marilee. I was actually thinking of your quilt "Spring" when making this. As much as I like the subtlety of Yoko Saito's creations, that just isn't my aesthetic.
