Thursday, May 30, 2019

Follow The Logic

Trump announced today that, I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected

The best part of that tweet is that he admits that Russia did boost his election, but the second best part is that he is too stupid to realize what he has tweeted. 

Under ordinary circumstances a candidate wouldn't want to come anywhere near a conclusion that the election was impacted by agents and people outside of the candidate's orbit. Trump is so stupid that he doesn't understand that the biggest reason Russia worked FOR his election is that he is so stupid. Of course Trump being Trump, he took back his tweet within minutes because someone smarter than he pointed out that he admitted that Russia helped him, which only shows that Russia is definitely on the right track by supporting Trump who is dumber than a bag of rocks.

You just can't make this stuff up. If I wrote a book about the times I live in and included all of the nonsense, it would be sold as a fantasy or a dystopian fantasy.

The US Weather Service announced today that the last 12 months are the wettest on record in the US. Where I live that is an obvious conclusion. Even where I used to live, my sons snowboarded last weekend because there was good snow, a base of more than 700 inches. In history when this kind of weather sort of happened (keep in mind that right now is unprecedented), there were massive famines even in countries that were good providers of goods. So right now we have the "perfect" storm of Trump's tariffs harming farming communities and adverse conditions preventing those same farmers from planting. The $16 billion dollar farmer welfare deal that Trump is proposing won't make a hill of beans of difference if the fields are too wet to plow. But the $16B will still go out because Trump wants the votes. Your tax dollars at work even though Trump keeps trying to convince folks that the Chinese are paying those dollars. You can't get dumber than that, unless you are a Trump voter.

I have written this before but it bears repeating--hang on to your hats, we are heading for a wild ride.   

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. He is so freaking stupid-especially about the tariffs.
    But you are correct the second award of stupidity goes to his supporters. It will get worse if he isn't stopped. Ugh.
    Hope you and hubby are enjoying this weekend. mary
