Saturday, March 17, 2018

Fingers Crossed

If you have read the last two posts, you probably understand at least part of the reason my husband and I are ready to leave Utah. It's a weird place that makes people weird. Everyone is suspicious of their neighbors and everyone is ready to attack their neighbors.

Anyway, the house went on the market on Thursday, we got multiple offers including one that was above the asking price which we accepted. So unless there are weird results from either the home inspection or the credit report of the buyers (married couple, both doctors, student loans outstanding but good incomes), the house is sold and we are on track to leave Utah.

Utah is a strange place. The dominant culture doesn't abide dissent or questions. But here in Salt Lake City, there is a strong and vibrant gay community, interesting neighborhoods, many different immigrant communities some as refugees and some as converts to the dominant religion. But the dominant religion controls the city and the state. As the old apothegm describes, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton had it right. Regardless of what one's neighborhood is like in Salt Lake City, and mine is liberal and tolerant, one's life will be controlled by the church. Decisions aren't made without the approval of the church.

Most people who are strong, faithful Mormons, live outside the city that they consider a citadel of sin. The state has been gerrymandered to prevent the liberal faction in Salt Lake City from having any voice at all except in city government and even that is closely watched by the church.

The reasons Wallace Stegner called Utah the only fascist state in the country before WWII still prevail.  

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